Sunday the 3rd of August a new spotterstrip for this season was undertaken by Marcel Visser and myself. The day started around half past 7 when we left my place for a wonderfull week of spotting in Switserland. In the early hours on sundaymorning traffic was kind to us and our goal for the day the Flieger Flab Museum in Dübendorf would be possible to visit before it would close at 5 pm.
 Once the german border was passed we increased our cruising speed to win some time but unfortunately more and more people had woken up and our cruisingspeed wasn't as good as it was in the morning and for the fact that almost the entire road we had to travel was covered by many miles of roadworks.
Nevertheless when we reached Stuttgart we passed the last roadworks and we could increase speed again to win some time back. At around 2 pm we crossed the border at Schaffhausen and had to cover just another 30 kilometers to reach our goal and to meet up with Jurriën Scheaffer and Martijn Diks with whom we would travel for the coming days.
The museum has a very nice and has very nice walkways at different levels so you can shoot in various angles. A bit of a pitty is that the specialpaint F5 has been sold to the USA to fly as an agressor.The lightconditions in the first hall are okay but in the second hall  they are  terrible and I had to pull out all my tricks to make some decent shots without a tripod or flash. Some aircraft in the second hall could do with some more space which is available but instead the are cramped together to make life difficult for us.

Jan Eenling© 2006-2010